Code for Sustainable Homes

The Code for Sustainable Homes is an assessment method for rating and certifying the environmental performance of new homes. It is a government owned national standard intended to encourage continuous improvement in sustainable home building via 9 sections: Energy and CO2 Emissions, Water, Materials, Surface Water Run-off, Waste, Pollution, Health and Wellbeing, Management, and Ecology. This results in a rating of the whole home as a complete package using a 1-6 star rating category and includes mandatory targets within the energy, water and surface water sections.

Code for Sustainable Homes assessments are carried out in two phases.

  • An initial assessment is carried out at the design stage. This is based on detailed documentary evidence which results in an interim certificate of compliance. 
  • Final assessment and certification is carried out at the post construction stage. Based on the design stage review, this includes a confirmation of compliance, from site records and visual inspection. This results in the issue of a final certificate of compliance.

We can also produce Pre-Assessments that are often required as part of the planning process. In addition, we can provide the following elements that are required as part of the CFSH Assessment: 

  • Daylighting calculations to gain credits under HEA 1
  • Surface Water and Flood Risk Assessments to cover the mandatory and optional elements of SUR1 and SUR 2
  • Home User Guides to achieve credits under MAN 3 

Whilst the Code For Sustainable Homes has been discontinued as a Government scheme, many projects still have the Code as a planning condition or require completion due to HCA (Homes and Community Agency) funding. We can still undertake and complete these assessments, including transferring projects to us for Post Completion Report assessment. Drop us a line on or call us on 01423 506070 and we can talk you through how we can help.