How Do I Make Sure My Building Passes Part L1?
Dec 8, 2015

It’s fair to say that developers and architects didn’t need to pay much attention to SAP in days gone by, but since the significant changes to Part L in 2006, 2010 and again in 2013, complying with the regulations has become a whole lot more difficult. This is primarily because CO2 emissions targets have tightened enormously, driven as they are by European and UK climate change policies.
It is important to understand that many factors contribute to a SAP Rating. We are often asked why some designs and specs fail and some pass, and it isn’t always easy to give a straight answer. Numerous factors play a part, from the type and size of the boiler to a junction of a wall, to the depth of insulation in a floor, to which direction the house is facing! Some factors may be beyond the client’s control - for example having no connection to mains gas could mean having to use an oil or LPG system. These fuels have higher cost and CO2 emissions factors within SAP, and as the Target Emission Rate is set based on a mains gas system, you take a hit.
But, worry not. We'll get you through the Regs; we do thousands of SAPs a year and therefore have come across most scenarios and can make suggestions that are both practical and cost-effective.